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How To Combat Limiting Beliefs

In this article you'll discover how to combat limiting beliefs so that you can take back your power and remain in the drivers seat. 

How To Combat Limiting Beliefs

So many people want to know how to combat limiting beliefs. 

Getting rid of limiting beliefs can be easy if you follow these 2 easy steps...

1. Manifest the life of your dreams by learning how to change limiting beliefs.

2. Stop self-sabotage and permanently destroy limiting beliefs once and for all!

Could your limiting beliefs be standing in the way of you achieving your dreams? Getting rid of limiting beliefs could be the key to manifesting the life of your dreams. Our mind holds the key to wealth, abundance and happiness. We have both a conscious and a subconscious mind.

Our conscious mind includes everything that is inside of our awareness while our subconscious activity is just below our awareness. Most of us have about 60,000 thoughts per day, and 90% occur subconsciously. In addition, if there is a conflict between a conscious and subconscious thought, the subconscious thought will win. 

Subconscious thoughts are much more prevalent and yet we are not even aware of them. These are often limiting beliefs that come from deep inside which might have been instilled in you by your parents or an experience in your childhood. Getting rid of limiting beliefs is essential for success with the Law of Attraction.

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I know that when I was young, my parents did not have any debt and they were adamant that "debt was bad." I was taught that you should first save for what you want and only purchase it when you had enough money. Perhaps this is good advice that many more people should adhere to, especially in today's heavily debt-ridden society. 

Later in life, when I studied Finance, I learned that a certain amount of debt is good for a company. In fact, I learned how to calculate the optimal leverage for a company -- the best ratio of debt to equity. 

When I applied that to my personal life, I interpreted it to mean that a mortgage is okay, but credit card and other consumer debt is bad. After all, mortgages have relatively reasonable interest rates and allow a person to use leverage (someone else's money) to invest or create a return for themselves. Hopefully, a house bought now will appreciate in value by the time you go to sell it. 

Credit card debt is another animal altogether. With interest rates at 18% or more, it is anything but "smart debt." In fact, using credit cards to purchase consumables like groceries or restaurant meals means that what you've bought might even be long gone before it is ever paid off. 

So for my entire life, I've stayed away from car loans, credit card debt and all types of consumer debt and felt quite virtuous about it. You see, my conscious mind had determined that a mortgage is okay, but what about my subconscious mind? 

Well, if the truth be known, I hate the fact that I have a mortgage. I feel like it makes me a prisoner or a slave. I cannot risk losing my job because I have a mortgage. I worry about paying off my mortgage. I worry about losing my job. This is because deep down, I hold the limiting belief that was instilled in me by my parents that "all debt" is bad. My parents never had a mortgage, and I heard many times how they worked and saved until they had enough money to buy a house. 

So no matter what my conscious mind and MBA degree might tell me about debt, I have a deep-seeded belief about debt that is different. 

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In the same way, you may be using the Law of Attraction to attract wealth and riches, but you may not be succeeding in life's game of success, due to a deep-seeded limiting belief that is blocking you. Getting rid of limiting beliefs is essential. 

Perhaps your conscious mind is telling you that you want wealth, but in your subconscious mind, you feel that money is bad, money is the root of all evil, wealth ruins lives, or money doesn't buy happiness. Until you realize that you have these counter-productive, limiting beliefs and do something to change them, you will not be able to attract wealth and abundance. You, therefore, must work on getting rid of limiting beliefs.

With regard to money, the saying is actually that "the love of money is the root of all evil." Money itself is not evil nor can it ruin lives Money CAN make you happy. It can improve your quality of life. It can free you so that you are able to live a life which is on purpose to serve others. 

If the Law of Attraction is not working for you, take a moment to sit quietly and ask yourself "Why?" "What am I afraid would happen if I had     (fill in the blank)?” Listen to your instinct, to your feelings and meditate on what may be just below your awareness. Seek the help of a life coach to assist you in unblocking your counter-productive thoughts and getting rid of limiting beliefs. 

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